Rosie Bumgardner
“NORDSTAR Audiology is wonderful. Heather is very professional and does everything she can to make sure that your visit is good and you receive the hearing instruments that work best for your hearing loss. She went over and above to take care of me and make numerous adjustments so I could hear. I highly recommend them to anyone needing a hearing aid. I chose the “open fit” which is amazing. There is no occlusion and Heather worked with me to find the proper fit and ends that would fulfill what I needed. She even came in on her days off when I had a problem with feedback and adjusted them. I was so impressed. I can not only hear now but also the aides are made in such a way that they are not noticeable. My best friends never knew unless I told them. Heather took time to make sure that they would be discrete. I highly recommend them!!!”

John Albu
DLA CIV Information Operations
“You truly take for granted what you hear every day. My hearing loss was very gradual to an extent I did not realize until I was fitted with my first pair of hearing aids. The difference was amazing to say the least. I simply can’t describe with words what it was like to put my hearing aids in for the first time and suddenly hear a conversation in the next room, the win in the tress or birds singing.
I am now able to participate in conversations at work and my personal life without have to ask people to repeat themselves or guess what they are saying. Sometimes, meetings were quite a challenge. I can watch a movie or listen to music at a volume comfortable to those around me.
My hearing aids are very comfortable and so discreet that my wife didn’t know I had them in for the first time until I told her. The multiple channels allow me to adjust the volume and filtering for a given situation with simply a touch. I was a bit self-conscious about wearing them at first, but now it seems no different than putting on a pair of glasses.”

Raymond E Taylor
“Now that I have my hearing aids, my family enjoys listening to T.V. at a normal sound.”

Amy Schooler
Physical Education Teacher
“I discovered a whole new world”

Robert Hockenberger
“NORDSTAR Audiology is the complete professional origin. Their personality is top flight and very professional. I’m glad I can hear with my new hearing aids.”

Chuck Hurst
Bus Driver
“I am very pleased with my hearing aids. I purchased them from NORDSTAR Audiology II. I previously owned a pair of in the canal aids and am now enjoying the behind the-ear hearing aids. Service from NORDSTAR has been very good and any adjustments have been made promptly. Heather and her staff go above the call of duty to make sure the aids are working properly and fit comfortably. I would recommend NORDSTAR to anyone needing a hearing system.”

Lynn Boetcher
Hearing Aids:
ReSound LiNX 2 7 RIC
“I have been a patient using the Vector Micro Tech Hearing Instrument for two and one-half years. I have adjusted well to the instruments and have had excellent service from the NORDSTAR staff in periodic adjustments to my hearing device. I hear and interact more positively in the workplace and in my personal life.”

Kathy Reho
“Heather, NORDSTAR Audiology made such a difference in my life. It’s made my life much more pleasant and livable.”
Dean Brock
Retired Firefighter
“NORDSTAR Audiology has helped me hear again. I was missing simple sounds like crickets and birds not to mention the voices of my family and co-workers. It was an incredible gift to find NORDSTAR Audiology. I was injured at work with high frequency hearing loss and NORDSTAR Audiology worked through all the paperwork and details. Thank you much, NORDSTAR Audiology!”
Cliff Adelman
Customer Service
“IF YOU NEED HELP HEARING, AND YOU’RE READING THIS, RELAX… YOUR SEARCH IS OVER! My entire professional career has been in serving people and Customer Service. I have hired, fired and trained Customer Service professionals for several of the most successful corporations. I am still actively, professionally involved in customer service. Service is in my DNA. I know when service is honest and real and flows from the heart or when it is just forced and superficial. Before NSA (NORDSTAR Audiology II), at the recommendation of people I trust and respect, I excitedly obtained hearing aids from other sources – at a famous, established retail store, through online and mail order and from eBay. All these experiences eventually each culminated in disappointment and frustration. In retrospect, I now know I wasted a significant amount of time, money, energy and effort. I feared going to an independent audiologist because I anticipated having to suffer through a canned sales pitch and being brain washed into agreeing to contractual predator pricing – in order to escape from the office in which they had me locked. The most regretful aspect of my time wasted is… had I known “back then” about Heather and Bonnie and NSA, I would have enjoyed a better quality of life (and hearing) for all the time (several “quiet” years) since then. Learn from my mistakes. Please! Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Relax. Your search is over. My first exposure to NSA was reading a raving online review. So I gave them a call. Starting with that initial contact and 100% consistently since then – throughout every interaction with NSA – over the past 2 years – every single time – the relationship, the genuine care and concern and resolving treatment of my hearing disability has been mind-boggling “stellarly most excellent”. Great, great, great! Bluntly put, if you look elsewhere… you are wasting your time. There is none better. Let NSA take care of you. They know how to do it right – always and in all ways. The NSA office has my contact information if you wish to communicate with me directly and personally. I mean it. Sincerely, from my heart… Cliff Adelman Gahanna OH March 2013 THANK YOU HEATHER AND BONNIE!”